3.2 Position
The position is displayed in latitude and longitude to three
decimal places. If the NMEA Navigator just sends two
decimals, the third will always read zero.
3.2.1 Time and date
To display date and time, press DOWN. Date and time is
displayed in month, day, hour, minute and second. Some
NMEA navigators does not send date. In that case, the
text TIME is written instead of the date. To set the local
time zone, press KEY. The ”underline” sign is flashing
(underline is the same as plus), change with UP or DOWN,
move to next character with MODE, change value with UP
or DOWN. When you have entered the correct time zone,
press KEY.
3.2.2 Battery voltage
To display battery voltage, press DOWN. Battery voltage is
measured in the instrument. It can therefore be different to
the voltage meter in your boat. That is due to voltage drop
in cables.
3: FUNCTIONS English