• Alwayspreheatthegrillbeforecooking.Setallburnerson“HI”heatandcloselid;
heat for 10 minutes, or until thermometer registers 500˚-550˚F (260˚-288˚C).
• Searmeatsandcookwiththeliddownforperfectlygrilledfoodeverytime.
• Grillingtimesinrecipesarebasedon70˚F(20˚C)weatherandlittleornowind.
Allow more cooking time on cold or windy days, or at higher altitudes. Allow less
cooking time in extremely hot weather.
• Grillingtimescanvarybecauseoftheweather,ortheamount,sizeandshapeof
the food being grilled.
• ThetemperatureofyourSummit
gas grill may run hotter than normal for the first
few uses.
• Grillingconditionsmayrequiretheadjustmentoftheburnercontrolstoattainthe
correct cooking temperatures.
• Ingeneral,largepiecesofmeatwillrequiremorecookingtimeperpoundthan
small pieces of meat. Foods on a crowded cooking grate will require more cooking
time than just a few foods. Foods grilled in containers, such as baked beans, will
require more time if grilled in a deep casserole rather than a shallow baking pan.
• Trimexcessfatfromsteaks,chopsandroasts,leavingnomorethanascant¼
inch (6.4mm) of fat. Less fat makes cleanup easier, and is a virtual guarantee
against unwanted flare-ups.
• Foodsplacedonthecookinggratedirectlyaboveburnersmayrequireturningor
moving to a less hot area.
• Usetongsratherthanaforkforturningandhandlingmeatstoavoidlosingnatural
juices. Use two spatulas for handling large whole fish.
• Ifanunwantedflare-upshouldoccur,turnallburnersoffandmovefoodto
another area of the cooking grate. Any flames will quickly subside. After flames
subside, relight the grill. NEVER USE WATER TO EXTINGUISH FLAMES ON A
• Somefoods,suchasacasseroleorthinfishfillets,willrequireacontainer
for grilling. Disposable foil pans are very convenient, but any metal pan with
ovenproof handles can also be used.
• Alwaysbesurethebottomtrayandgreasecatchpanarecleanandfreefrom
• Donotlinethefunnel-shapedbottomtraywithfoil.Thiscouldpreventthegrease
from flowing into the grease catch pan.
• Usingatimerwillhelptoalertyouwhen“well-done”isabouttobecome“over-
opEraTiNG iNSTrUcTioNS
Failure to open the lid while igniting the side burner, or not
waiting 5 minutes to allow the gas to clear if the side burner
does not light, may result in an explosive flame-up which
can cause serious bodily injury or death.
m WARNING: Check hose before each use of barbecue for nicks,
cracking, abrasions or cuts. If the hose is found to be damaged
in any way, do not use the barbecue. Replace using only Weber
authorized replacement hose. Contact the Customer Service
Representative in your area using the contact information on
our web site. Log onto www.weber.com
1) Open the side burner lid.
2) Check that the side burner valve is turned off (Push control knob in and turn
clockwise to ensure that it is in the “OFF” position), turn all burners not being used
to the “OFF” position (push in and turn clockwise).
3) Turn the gas supply valve on.
4) Push down and turn the side burner control valve to “HI”.
5) Press the igniter button several times so it clicks each time.
m CAUTION: Side burner flame may be difficult to see on a
bright sunny day.
m WARNING: If the side burner does not light in five (5)
a) Turn off the side burner control valve, main burners
and gas supply at source.
b) Wait 5 minutes to let the gas clear before you try
again, or try lighting with a match (see “Manually
Lighting the Side Burner”).