2-10 Sun Ultra 20 Workstation Getting Started Guide • April 2006
2.4.3 Installing Windows XP Operating System Drivers
The Sun Ultra 20 Workstation Supplemental CD contains NVRAID, NVIDIA display,
and NVIDIA chipset drivers for Windows XP. If you are installing NVRAID drivers,
you will need to use the XpReburn script to create a new Windows XP CD
containing the necessary drivers or create a boot diskette to install the drivers before
installing the Windows XP operating system.
The order of Windows XP operating system and driver installation is as follows:
1. Remove the preinstalled Solaris operating system from the server. See
Section 2.1.1, “Erasing the Primary Boot Hard Disk” on page 2-3.
2. If necessary, set up the BIOS for the Windows 2003 Server operating system. See
Section 2.1.2, “Setting up the BIOS for Operating System Installation” on page 2-4.
3. If you plan to use the workstation RAID functionality, install the NVRAID drivers
before installing the operating system by one of the following methods:
■ Section, “Installing RAID Drivers Using XPReburn Script” on page 2-11.
■ Section, “Installing RAID Drivers Using a Boot Diskette” on page 2-12
4. Install the operating system. If you are using RIS to install Windows XP, see
Appendix A.
Note – Make sure to keep the 55 MB diagnostic partition in place when doing the
installation. If the diagnostic partition gets erased for some reason, use the Create
Diagnostic Partion option in the Diagnostics section of the Sun Ultra 20 Workstation
Supplemental CD. See the Sun Ultra 20 WorkstationUser Guide for more details.
5. Install the display and chipset drivers as shown in Section 2.4.4, “Installing
NVIDIA Display and Chipset Drivers for Windows XP” on page 2-14.
6. If you are using the onboard ATI Rage XL PCI graphics controller, you need to
install the ATI drivers.
Download the ATI drivers from the ATI web site at the following URL.
Note – The Supplemental CD does not mount the diagnostic partition under
Windows XP.