Chapter 6 Configuring IP Addressing 79
4. When prompted, confirm the specified IP addressing.
The Service Interface menu is redisplayed.
5. Select option 1, Display IP Configuration, to confirm the IP address changes.
The IP address configuration of the Ethernet port is displayed, and the Service
Interface menu is redisplayed.
6. Press Q to quit the Service Interface menu.
7. Switch the serial cable to the Ethernet port on the other controller and repeat
these steps to set the IP address on that controller as well.
8. Power cycle the controllers off and on again to reset them with the new IP
When you have completed the IP address configuration for the Ethernet port on
both array controllers and power cycled them, see the Sun StorageTek Common Array
Manager Software Installation Guide for instructions on registering and configuring the
Press '.' to clear the field;
Press '-' to return to the previous field;
Press <ENTER> and then ^D to quit (Keep Changes)
Current Configuration New Configuration
IP Address if1 : IP-address
Subnet Mask if1 : <ENTER>
Gateway IP Address if1: <ENTER>
Service Interface Main Menu
1) Display IP Configuration
2) Change IP Configuration
3) Reset Storage Array (SYMbol) Password
Q) Quit Menu
Enter Selection: 1