96257 Sun Confidential: Internal Only xix
Revision A
■ Alert Messages
Alert messages used within this document are presented as follows:
Note: A note provides emphasis or additional useful detail about a topic or proce-
dure, and can either precede or follow the information it references.
■ Notational and Typographic Conventions
The following notational and typographic conventions are used throughout this document
to highlight special words, phrases, and actions.
A caution directs urgent attention to an action or condition which could dam-
age equipment or corrupt data or system software if the accompanying proce-
dure is not completed or is performed incorrectly. A caution always precedes
the information it references.
A danger message directs urgent attention to an action or condition that has
potential to create a hazardous situation or to cause immediate, severe, and
possibly fatal injury or adverse long-term health effects if the accompanying
procedure is not completed or is performed incorrectly. A danger message al-
ways precedes the information it references.
Item Example(s) Description of Convention
Publications; course titles Installation and Service Guide Italic font
MS Windows or GUI screen titles Ethernet Setup screen Italic underlined font
Computer keyboard input keys Press the [Enter
] key.
Monospaced underlined font in
square brackets [ ]
User-keyed non-variable inputs; system-
generated outputs
show systemstate
Monospaced bold font
User-keyed variable inputs
Name = <
system name
Monospaced italic bold font in an-
gled brackets < >
E-mail and IP addresses; URLs; file and
folder names; active fields and icons in
GUI windows
; click Submit;
file; 129.80.64 subnet
Monospaced underlined font
Emphasized text Do not
touch exposed wiring... Underlined font
Physical VTSS labels for FRUs, LED indi-
cators, ports, or switches
POWER ON indicator; ETH0 port;
Bold caps font
Hypertext link (in PDF file) to a figure, ta-
ble, procedure step, or section heading
See Figure 2-1 on page 2-27; Re-
peat Step 3; See “Assigning Pass-
words” on page 4-11.
Blue font (prints black in black and
white photocopies)
Text references to numbered callouts in
accompanying artwork
Pull the D-ring handle [3]. Bold font in bold square brackets [ ]