
Contents iii
Preface vii
1. SCSI Host Connections 1-1
1.1 Configuration Guidelines 1-2
1.2 Supported SCSI Host Configurations 1-3
1.2.1 Single Host Connected to One Controller Module 1-3
1.2.2 Two Controller Modules Daisy-Chained to
One Host 1-4
1.2.3 Independent Controller Module Connected to Two Hosts 1-5
1.2.4 Multi-Host 1-6
1.3 Ultra 2 Host System Power Connection Requirement 1-7
2. FC-AL Host Connections 2-1
2.1 Configuration Guidelines 2-2
2.2 Supported FC-AL Host Configurations 2-3
2.2.1 Single Host Connected to One Controller Module 2-4
2.2.2 Independent Controller Module Connected to Two Hosts 2-5
2.2.3 Single Host Connected to One Controller Module
Using Hubs 2-6
2.2.4 Single Host Connected to Two Controller Modules
Using Hubs 2-7