
6 Netra CP2500 Board Programming Guide March 2007
#define EM_INIT 1
#define EM_GETROOT 2
#define USAGE_STR "Usage:\n"\
"wdadm -l [<controller_name:timer_name>...]\n"\
"wdadm -m <controller_name:timer_name> [-t <timeout>]"\
" [-a action]]\n"\
"wdadm -c <controller_name> -o <op>\n"
#define DETAILED_HELP "wdadm - System Watchdog Controller Administration\n"\
"The operations include displaying status (-l), modifying the values (-m)\n"\
"and executing commands on the watchdog controller (-c).\n"\
"This utility must be run with super user permissions.\n"\
" -l list all the watchdog timer nodes.\n"\
" Each Timer node is denoted as controller:timer\n"\
" Example:\n"\
" wdadm -l - lists all the nodes\n"\
" wdadm -l c1:t1 c1:t2 - lists c:t1 and c:t2 nodes\n"\
" c1 - controller name\n"\
" t1 - timer name\n"\
" -m modify the timeout and action parameters for a timer node.\n"\
" Example:\n"\
" wdadm -m c1:t1 -t <timeout in ms> -a <action>\n"\
" wdadm -m c1:t1 -t <timeout in ms>\n"\
" wdadm -m c1:t1 -a <action>\n"\
" Note: Before using this option, the controller must be\n"\
" disarmed (using -c option).\n"\
" -c Execute commands on the watchdog controller node\n"\
" Commands supported are : arm, disarm\n"\
" Example:\n"\
" wdadm -c controller -o arm\n"\
" arms the watchdog controller node called controller\n"
#define HEADER "NAME (controller:timer)\t\tSTATUS"\
#define PRINT_FORMAT "\t%-10s\t%-10s\t%d"
#define ILLEGAL_TIMEOUT -999
/* watchdog properties */
#define WATCHDOG_ACTION "WdAction"
#define WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT "WdTimeout"
#define WATCHDOG_STATUS "State"
#define WATCHDOG_OP "WdOp"
#define PICL_WATCHDOG_CONTROLLER "watchdog-controller"
CODE EXAMPLE 1-1 System Watchdog Node Management Code Example (Continued)