
A blend of flours will give a better result and assist in browning.
When using only rice flour you will get a pale crust on top, regardless of the cooking time.
Both fine and course white rice flour works well.
If using rice flour only you find your bread will go stale quicker when compared to using a
blend of flours. The addition of oil will help keep the bread fresh for longer.
The dough should resemble a thick cake mix. Check 10-15 minutes into kneading and if
the consistency is too thick add a little water - 1 tablespoon at a time.
Environmental factors can have a large effect on the consistency of the dough. A change in
atmospheric conditions can affect the reaction of the yeast. For example if baking bread on
a wet, humid day, you may need to reduce the water by 10-20mls to achieve the desired
consistency for the dough.
Gluten Free Breads continued