Before using your Rice Perfect for the first
time wash the removable cooking pan, lid,
rice measuring cup and serving spoon in
warm soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
To Cook Rice
1. Using the rice measuring cup provided,
measure out the required quantity of
rice (refer to rice cooking chart on page
9). Make sure the rice is a level cup
1 level rice cup = 150g. .
1 cup uncooked white rice = 2 rice cups of
cooked white rice (approximately)
1 cup uncooked brown rice = 2½ cups cooked
brown rice (approximately)
This Sunbeam rice cup is not the same
measurement as a standard metric cup
2. Place the measured rice in a sieve, and
wash rice thoroughly under cold water.
Wash until the water runs clear. This
removes excess starch which helps to
achieve fluffier rice. Alternatively, wash
rice in the cooking pan two or three times
until the water is clear, pouring out the
milky water between each rinse.
3. Ensure the exterior of the cooking pan is
clean and dry before placing it inside the
heating vessel.
4. Place the washed rice in the cooking pan.
Add cold water to the cup level indicated
on the inside of the cooking pan or add
the quantity of water specified in the
cooking charts on page 9. Make sure
the rice on the bottom of the pan is even
when adding the water.
5. Replace the lid.
6. Insert the plug into a 230-240 volt AC
power outlet and turn the power on. The
“KEEP WARM” light will illuminate.
7. Depress the automatic control lever to
“COOK” to begin the cooking cycle. The
“COOK” light will illuminate.
8. When cooking is complete, your Rice
Perfect will automatically switch to
“KEEP WARM” mode and the “KEEP
WARM” light will illuminate.
9. With the lid on, allow rice to stand in the
“KEEP WARM” mode for 5-10 minutes
for small quantities and approximately
10-15 minutes for larger quantities. DO
NOT use metal utensils as these will
scratch the non-stick coating. A plastic
spoon is supplied.
10. The “KEEP WARM” cycle will continue
until the power is switched off. If keeping
the rice warm, stir, then replace lid. Rice
can be kept warm in the Rice Perfect for
up to 2 hours. After 2 hours rice should
be refrigerated for storage if required.
NOTE: Whilst operating, do not remove the
lid as this may affect cooking results. Do not
interfere with the automatic control lever.
Do not keep rice in the cooker for extended
periods of time on “KEEP WARM” mode
as the rice becomes dry and the quality
Using your Rice Perfect