If it was a gift, who gave it to you? Husband/Partner Wife/Partner Children
Friends Parents Relatives
To which age group do you belong? Under 25 26-35 36-44 45-54 over 55
What other types of products would you like to see in the range?
If you purchased the product, please indicate why you bought it. (Tick any that apply)
Saw it In-store Store Demo Advertisement Recommendation
Other (please specify)
Where did you last read or hear about Sunbeam’s Personal Care range?
Television Magazines Newspapers From a friend or relative
From a salesperson In store material Other
(Please specify)
Please return to: Sunbeam Corporation Ltd, Locked Bag 5040, Botany NSW 1455
Or register online at: http://www.sunbeam.com.au/service/personal_care_registration.cfm
Terms and Conditions
The best 5 entries as determined by the judges in each month’s competition will receive a Sunbeam Air Cleaner valued at $199.95. Upon
receipt of completed surveys, Sunbeam will de-identify your answers to the survey questions from your name, address,phone number and
e-mail details. Such de-identified survey responses will be used for statistical purposes with Sunbeam. Your personal details will,unless
otherwise advised, be entered into a database for future marketing and promotional activities and will be stored at the office of Sunbeam.
A request to access, update or correct any information should be directed to custserv@sunbeam.com.au.Visit www.sunbeam.com.au to
view our privacy policy.