120 Administrator’s Guide SurfControl Web Filter v5.5
Using Custom Categorization
The Monitored Destinations panel shows the current list of destinations in the Monitor database. Click
any of the column headings to sort by that data.
• Destination - Shows the URL for a categorized destination.
• Category - Shows the VCA category for the URL.
• Categorization Method - The sources of categorization are as follows:
– Company & Intranet - The destination is specified within the Categorization tab of the Web Filter
settings as a company domain or Intranet site. ("Categorization Tab" on page 106).
– Manual - The administrator has manually set the category of the site. The category could have
been set to one of the SurfControl defined categories or a custom category. ("Category Object" on
page 67).
– SurfControl - The site was categorized from the SurfControl Internet Threat Database.
– VCA - The destination was categorized by the Virtual Control Agent.
– None - The site was not assigned a category.
• Last Access - The date the destination was last visited.
The VCA / Manual Categorizations panel shows any destinations that have been re-categorized, either
by the VCA or by yourself from the Monitored Destinations tab in the Web Filter Manager. See
"Monitored Destinations tasks" on page 47 for more details on manually categorizing a destination
originally set as ‘Uncategorized’.
• Destination - Shows the URL for a categorized destination.
• Page - Shows the page level information for the destination.
• Category - Shows the VCA category for the destination.
• Categorization Method - The sources of categorization are as follows:
– Manual - The administrator has manually set the category of the destination. The category could
have been set to one of the SurfControl defined categories or a custom category. (See "Category
Object" on page 67 for more details).
– VCA - The destination was categorized by the Virtual Control Agent.
• Language - The language the destination was categorized in. See "VCA Settings Tab" on page 121
for details on the languages the VCA can categorize in.
Right-clicking any destination in the Monitored Destinations or VCA / Manual Categorizations panels
launches a menu with the following options.
• Categorize Selection - Perform a VCA run on the selected destination.
• Set Category - Manually set the category from the SurfControl Category list.
• Uncheck Selection - Removes the Checked status from a destination, which will then be checked
again in a VCA run.
Remove Categorization - This option is only available in the VCA / Manual Categorizations panel.
This removes the manual categorization of a destination.
• Go To HTTP - Opens the selected site in a Web browser.