SecurityExpressions Server User Guide
All scope types except Expression can accept as many values as you want to enter, listing
one value per line. Scope type Expression only accepts one expression.
6. Indicate if the network link speed of the systems in this scope are Unspecified, Slow or
If all systems in the scope use a fast connection, for example, indicating this in the scope's
definition prevents the need to check each system's speed during audits. Select
Unspecified if you are unsure of network-connection speed or the scope contains a mix of
slow and fast connections.
7. Type the Username and Password (credentials) needed to access the scope.
You may use variables in the user name, such as %computer% and %
computershortname%, to access all target systems in the scope more efficiently. These
variables return the target system's name. The variable you want to use depends on how
your organization's DNS server is configured. Use %computer% if DNS returns short
names. Use %computershortname% if DNS returns fully qualified names. For example, if
DNS returns "hostname.domain.com," %computershortname% would change it to
In order for the variable to work, the password of the account you're using must be the
same to access all systems in the scope.
If you use the Windows connection method to audit systems in a workgroup, or if
you're logging on using a local Windows user account instead of a domain account, you
must include the system names in the Username box in this format:
, where
is either %computer% or
Credential Precedence: If your organization uses the console application and someone
delegated one or more database machine lists to the server application,
if one of the
systems identified in this scope is also listed in one of those database machine lists, the
server uses the database machine list's credentials to access the system rather than the
scope credentials you enter here.
8. Select one or more policies to use to audit the targets in this scope from the Policies list.
Only the policies to which you have Use access rights appear for selection. Access
rights are set in the Windows Group Access options on the Policies page. If you can't
find a policy you need to use, ask the policy's creator to add you to one of the Windows
User Groups with access rights to the policy.
9. If you have Altiris Notification Server and you want to send information about the audits
generated on this schedule to Notification Server, select Send a Notification Server Event. If
you prefer to send this information after each target computer is audited, select Send a
Notification Server Event for each target.
10. If you want to send one or more notifications when an audit based on this scope occurs,
select them in the Notification Options section.
You may use notifications created in SecurityExpressions console in addition to the
ones created in SecurityExpressions server. The Notification Options section lists
notifications created in both applications.
There are five conditions under which you can send notifications. Check which
notification(s) you want to send when each condition occurs.