ETX/ACK protocol ETX (hex03) Block end character
ACK (hex06) Acknowledgement informing the host that further data
may be transmitted.
XON/XOFF This protocol is used in addition to data flow control and
printer status handling.
HandThr.=ON An ETX is not acknowledged by ACK before all previous-
ly arrived data have been printed.
HandThr.=OFF When the printer receives an ETX, it returns an ACK to
the host. Any previously sent data or blocks may still be
present in the printer buffer.
ACK/NAK protocol STX (hex02) Clears any previous error status.
ETX (hex03) Block end character
ENQ (hex05) Printer status enquiry (see ENQ/STX).
ACK (hex06) Acknowledgement character; block was transmitted
NAK (hex15) Block transmission error.
DEL (hex7F) Deletes the whole block; acknowledged by ACK or NAK.
HandThr.=ON Does not filter out the STX, ENQ, ETX, DEL characters
from the data stream (transparence). However, they are
also used for block control.
Reference manual Interfaces