
Data Transfer Rate The speed that data can be transmitted from one device
to another. Data rates are often measured in megabits (million bits) or
megabytes (million bytes) per second.
Discrete Packet Format (DPF) The format used by the VXA-320 (VXA-3) tape
drive to read and write data in packet form. Data packets also contain a
synchronization marker, unique address information, CRC, and ECC.
Driver A program that works with a computer’s operating system to operate
a peripheral device. Also referred to as a “device driver.”
End of data (EOD) In a partition, a special format group that is written after
all current user data is transferred to the tape.
Error correction code (ECC) Error correction codes are generated within the
tape drive and recorded with the user data. ECC is used to correct the errors in
the user data while being read.
Exabyte (1) A network storage backup company that designs, manufactures,
and markets industry-leading data storage products including tape drives and
automated tape libraries.
(2) measurement of data:
One Exabyte = 1,000 Petabytes, or
1,000,000 Terabytes, or
1,000,000,000 Gigabytes, or
1,000,000,000,000 Megabytes, or
1,000,000,000,000,000 Kilobytes, or
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Filemark A mark on the tape, which is written by the tape drive. A filemark
consists of a special recorded element within a partition, containing no user
data, which provides a segmentation or location scheme for the data on the
tape. Filemarks are typically used during a locate or space operation to move
to a particular spot on the tape.
Gigabyte One billion bytes.
Head A device that uses induction to write a data pattern onto magnetic
media and then uses either inductance or magnetoresistance to read the data
Host Any type of computer that sends information or commands to a
peripheral device, such as the tape drive.