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series of fixed cash payments made over a period of time. An annuity can be a loan (such
as a home mortgage) or an investment (such as a monthly savings plan).
requested parameter (such as a value or a percentage rate) which you must provide.
(NOTE: Used in financial functions.)
item or property which may depreciate.
meaning an amount of money
decrease in value due to wear and tear, decline in price, etc
Double-Declining Balance Method
depreciation at an accelerated rate. Depreciation is highest in the first period and de-
creases in successive periods.
does not change.
sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money
Interest Rate
expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed to be paid over a given period (usually
one year).
Internal Rate of Return
interest rate received for an investment consisting of payments and receipts that occur at
regular intervals.
Modified Internal Rate of Return
internal rate of return when payments and receipts are financed at different rates.
Net Present Value of Investment
current value of a future series of payments and receipts
number that an Operator will perform action on. (i.e. In the expression "2+3", "2" and "3"
are operands and "+" is the operator.)
amount of money you pay out.
at regular intervals (such as monthly).
capital sum, as distinguished from interest or profit. An example of this would be the origi-
nal investment amount.
portion of the CDML Advanced Calculator located between the Tape Display and the but-
tons. The Readout reflects your numeric input and results of your calculations
amount of money you are paid by somebody else. Also, may refer to a document serving
as proof of purchase.
Tape Display
computer equivalent of the tape on an adding machine. Used to review or annotate your
box showing a value or an explanation for a control on the screen. To view the ToolTips,
place your mouse over the control and leave it there for a few moments. The ToolTip win-
dow will appear automatically.