
For example, if your telephone rings during the decisive moment of a football game,
simply press the Pause key on your control to stop the current television program.
After the telephone call, you can continue watching the football game from where
you stopped it without missing anything.
If you start watching the program later, you can use fast-forward or
fast-backward in the program, in order to skip advertising for instance.
11:48 Today 19.10.
Overview 24/77
EinsPlus Adelheid und ihre Mörder
EinsFestival Schätze der Welt – Erbe der Menschheit
ZDFinfokanal total normal
ZDFdokukanal Kann ich meinen Augen trauen?
ZDFtheaterkanal Der Mond
Phoenix vor ORT
EuroNews Nachrichten
Bloomberg TV Put & Call
XXP Zeitzeugen
n-tv Nachrichten, Sport, Wetter und Mär...
Eurosport Fußball
Timer overview
Timer Programme Genres
1 Mo 2 Tu 3 We 4 Th 5 Fr 6 Sa 7 Su
Can you can make up
your own program in
combination with the
Electronic Program
Guide (EPG). Select the
programs, which you
would like to record up
to 7 days in advance.
Simply and comfortably
via your remote control.
Recording will than
started automatically.
©iStockphoto.com/Justin Horrocks