Theory of Operation
2.1 Overview
The Model 6750 Analyzer uses the UV/Heated Persulfate method
of analysis and is well-suited for many applications involving accurate
TOC analysis. The basic analyzer is configured for maximum utility
using an advanced Microsoft
Windows-based CE computer with touch
screen. The analyzer is suitable for both general purpose and/or
hazardous area classifications, if properly configured with required
safety equipment.
2.2 Background
TOC analysis is the primary screening tool and control parameter
for all water based applications but there are some discrepancies or
misunderstanding in just what TOC is comprised of.
Many manufacturers claim TOC analysis capability without
disclosing the limitations of their methods. Some treat all “TOC
analyzers” as a commodity, with no distinguishing characteristics among
them. Analytical results reported by the user can therefore be
questionable, unless the TOC method is matched to the analytical
The following discussion is intended to provide the user adequate
information in order to allow intelligent cost/performance trade-offs and
select the appropriate TOC method for each application. The Model 6750
TOC Analyzer performs the following analyses on the SAME sample:
• TC: Total Carbon
• NPOC: Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon
• TIC: Total Inorganic Carbon
• POC (VOC): Purgeable Organic Carbon or Volatile Organic
• TOC-True : Total Organic Carbon