
Operating Instructions Teledyne API - Model T200H/T200M Operation Manual
172 Status Reporting
Reporting of status messages as an audit trail is one of the three principal uses for the
RS-232 interface (the other two being the command line interface for controlling the
instrument and the download of data in electronic format). You can effectively disable
the reporting feature by setting the interface to quiet mode (see Communication Mode).
Status reports include DAS data (when reporting is enabled), warning messages,
calibration and diagnostic status messages. Refer to Appendix A-3 for a list of the
possible messages, and this section for information on controlling the instrument
through the RS-232 interface.
All messages from the instrument (including those in response to a command line
request) are in the format:
X is a command type designator, a single character indicating the message
type, as shown in the Table 6-31.
DDD:HH:MM is the time stamp, the date and time when the message was issued. It
consists of the Day-of-year (DDD) as a number from 1 to 366, the hour of
the day (HH) as a number from 00 to 23, and the minute (MM) as a
number from 00 to 59.
[ID] is the analyzer ID, a number with 1 to 4 digits.
MESSAGE is the message content that may contain warning messages, test
measurements, DAS reports, variable values, etc.
<CRLF> is a carriage return / line feed pair, which terminates the message.
The uniform nature of the output messages makes it easy for a host computer to parse
them into an easy structure. Keep in mind that the front panel display does not give any
information on the time a message was issued, hence it is useful to log such messages
for trouble-shooting and reference purposes. Terminal emulation programs such as
HyperTerminal can capture these messages to text files for later review.
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