Calibration Procedures Teledyne API Model T360/T360M Operation Manual
5.1.2. Calibration Gas Traceability
All equipment used to produce calibration gases should be verified against
standards of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). To
ensure NIST traceability, we recommend acquiring cylinders of working gas that
are certified to be traceable to NIST Standard Reference Materials (SRM). These
are available from a variety of commercial sources.
5.1.3. Data Recording Devices
A strip chart recorder, data acquisition system or digital data acquisition system
should be used to record data from the T360’s serial or analog outputs. If analog
readings are used, the response of the recording system should be checked against
a NIST traceable voltage source or meter. Data recording device should be
capable of bi-polar operation so that negative readings can be recorded. For
electronic data recording, the T360 provides an internal data acquisition system
(DAS), which is described in detail in Section 4.7.
This is the basic method for manually calibrating the Model T360 CO
without functioning zero/span valve options. It is identical to the method
described in the GETTING STARTED (Section 3) of this manual and is repeated
her for y
ou convenience.
: Connect the Sources of Zero Air and Span Gas as shown below.
Figure 5-1: Pneumatic Connections–Basic Configuration–Using Bottled Span Gas