Startup Error Messages
Real time clock error q Realtime clock fails test.
q This may require board repair.
Contact your dealer or an
authorized service center.
Shadow Ram Failed at
offset: nnnn
q Shadow RAM failed at offset nnnn
of the 64K block at which the error
was detected.
q Contact your dealer or an
authorized service center.
System battery is dead
- Replace and run
q The CMOS clock battery indicator
shows that the battery is dead.
q Replace the battery and run Setup
to reconfigure the system.
System cache error -
Cache disabled
q RAM cache failed the BIOS test and
BIOS disabled the cache.
q Contact your dealer or an
authorized service center.
System CMOS
checksum bad -
q System CMOS has been corrupted
or modified incorrectly, perhaps by
an application program that
changes data stored in CMOS.
q Run Setup and reconfigure the
system either by restoring default
values and/or making your own