
Software Emulator
Init RAM : Initializes the data memory values to zero including tag bits.
Init Registers : Initializes all the system registers (excluding accumulators)
to zero except PC which is initialized to start vector.
Init Accumulators : Initializes all the accumulators to zero.
Init All : This menu option initializes all internal registers and all RAM location
in the chip. It also resets the cycle counter. The program counter is set at the
value indicated by the start vector at address 0x7FFF.
5.6.6 Emulator Options
The Software emulator has some user setup options. The first four options are
to setup screen fonts for CPU window, RAM Window, Program Window and
Project Window. The
Verbose C– –
menu selection can be toggled to inhibit
the insertion of extraneous comment lines in the assembly code generated by
the C– – compiler. The
option is checked, the monitor routine
output is sent to a dump file.
menu option allows the user to set a certain number of options for
the emulator. When this option is clicked, a dialog box appears (Figure 5–27).
Chip Select...
option allows the users to force a choice between the
MSP50P60 and MSP50P614/MSP50C614 development systems. Note that
the development systems are automatically detected when the software is
started, as long as the development board is connected and powered up.
Default is MSP50P614.
Windows related options are available in the Windows menu as shown in
Figure 5–28.