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2nd functions
Most keys can perform two functions. The primary function is
indicated on the key and the secondary function is displayed
above it. Press % to activate the secondary function of a
given key. Notice that 2nd appears as an indicator on the
screen. To cancel it before entering data, press % again.
For example, % b 25 < calculates the square root of
25 and returns the result, 5.
Use pto choose modes. Press $ # ! " to choose a
mode, and < to select it. Press - or %Q to
return to the Home screen and perform your work using the
chosen mode settings.
Default mode settings are shown highlighted.
DEG RAD GRAD Sets the angle mode to degrees,
radians, or gradians.
NORM SCI ENG Sets the numeric notation mode. Numeric
notation modes affect only the display of results, and not the
accuracy of the values stored in the unit, which remain
NORM displays results with digits to the left and right of the
decimal, as in 123456.78.
SCI expresses numbers with one digit to the left of the
decimal and the appropriate power of 10, as in
(which is the same as 123456.78).
¹ ¸ An entry or menu displays beyond
16 digits. Press ! or " to scroll.