Activities 51
Defining a Table of Values
The table feature of the TI-84 Plus displays numeric information about a
function. You can use a table of values from the function you just defined
to estimate an answer to the problem.
1. Press y - (above p) to display
2. Press Í to accept
3. Press 1 Í to define the table increment
@Tbl=1. Leave Indpnt: Auto and
Depend: Auto so that the table will be
generated automatically.
4. Press y 0 (above s) to display the
Notice that the maximum value for
(box’s volume) occurs when
X is about 4,
between 3 and 5.
5. Press and hold † to scroll the table until a
negative result for
Y1 is displayed.
Notice that the maximum length of X for
this problem occurs where the sign of Y1
(box’s volume) changes from positive to
negative, between
10 and 11.
6. Press y -.
Notice that
TblStart has changed to 6 to
reflect the first line of the table as it was
last displayed. (In step 5, the first value of
displayed in the table is 6.)