Getting Started 49
Using menus
Using menusUsing menus
Using menus
To select most TI-89 Titanium menus, press the function keys corresponding to the
toolbars at the top of the calculator Home screen and most App screens. Select other
menus using key commands.
Toolbar menus
Toolbar menusToolbar menus
Toolbar menus
The starting point for TI-89 Titanium math operations, the calculator Home screen
displays toolbar menus that let you choose math-related options.
Toolbar menus also appear at the top of most App screens. These menus list common
functions of the active App.
Other menus
Other menusOther menus
Other menus
Use key commands to select the following menus. These menus contain the same
options regardless of the screen displayed or the active App.
Press To display
CHAR menu. Lists characters not available on the
keyboard; characters are organized by category
(Greek, math, punctuation, special, and
MATH menu. Lists math operations by category.