16 TVP5160EVM User’s Guide
8.2 WinVCC4 Configuration Dialog Box
The WinVCC4 Configuration dialog box, as seen in Figure 8, should now be visible. This dialog
configures the I
C bus on the TVP5160EVM. All settings from this dialog box are stored in the
Windows registry and are restored the next time the program is started. After initial installation,
will be set to TVP5160 and VID_ENC will be set to ADV7311.
The I
C slave address for each device must match the I
C slave address selected by jumpers on
the TVP5160EVM. These jumpers are set by the factory to use 0xB8 for the video decoder and
0x54 for the video encoder.
It is also important to select the correct specific devices. The TVP5160 and ADV7311 must be
selected for the TVP5160EVM.
All Program Options must be enabled. Disabling these options is only required if you are
debugging a problem with the I
C bus itself.
Clicking OK begins I
C communication with the selected devices.
Figure 8. WinVCC4 I
C Address Configuration