TVP5158EVM Evaluation Procedures mcvip_test Demo Application
The syntax and main menu of the mcvip_test (multi-channel video interface port) demo application is
shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16. mcvip_test Demo Application Menu Procedure for Initializing Individual Video Formats
The procedure for initializing the system for each individual video output format is as follows:
1. Start the mcvip_test application (do not enter the menu option yet).
Example: ./mcvip_test.out NTSC VCC <Cascade Mode Option> <Audio Mode Option>
2. Program TVP5158 for the video output format (only if using VCC GUI Software).
In the VCC System Initialization window, click on the video output format (same format as chosen in
step 3) and click the PROGRAM button.
3. Select the video capture format for the DaVinci HD EVM:
In terminal window, type video format menu option (00-1b) and then <Enter>.
The video output should now be displayed on the HD video monitor using 1080i format.
4. At Linux terminal, type 0 <return> to stop the video capture.
5. Audio should be heard from the left and right speakers respectively if audio mode option selected.
Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each line-interleaved video output format.
SLEU108–November 2009 TVP5158 Evaluation Module
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