S Oven Care and Use Manual
Oven Operation
Page 17
Bake and Convection Chart
Bake | Convection Temperature / Time Temperature / Time
Angel Food Mix 2 2 350°F (177ºC) 325°F (163ºC)
40 to 50 min. 40 to 45 min.
Cake Mix 3 3 350°F (177ºC) 325°F (163ºC)
Follow package Check before
2 & 4 3 & 5 directions minimum bake time.
Scratch Cakes Follow recipe 25°F (14ºC) lower than
2 3 directions recipe directions
Cupcakes - Mix 350°F (177ºC) 25°F (14ºC) lower than
2 & 4 2 & 4 Follow package recipe or package
directions directions. Check before
minimum bake time.
Specialty Cake 350°F (177ºC) 25°F (14ºC) lower than
Mixes 3 3 Follow package package directions. Check
directions before minimum baketime.
Brownies 3 3 350°F (177ºC) 25°F (14ºC) lower than
9 to 23 oz.
Follow recipe or
recipe or package directions
package directions
Drop Cookies 3 & 5 2, 4, 6 or 375°F (190ºC) 350°F (177ºC)
8 to 10 min. all six racks 8 to 12 min.
Bar Cookies Mix 3 3 Follow package 25°F (14ºC) lower than
recipe or package directions
Refrigerated 3 & 5 1,3,5 Follow package 25°F (14ºC) lower than
Cookie Doughs directions package directions
Fruit Desserts 3 3 Follow recipe 25ºF (14ºC) lower than
directions recipe directions
Cream Puffs 2 3 400°F (204ºC) 375°F (190ºC)
35 to 40 min.