Keyboard Status Light
When the keyboard is open and the right panel is slid in, there is a light
above the <0> key that indicates the status of the keyboard.
¾ When the keyboard status light flashes a fast green light (approx. once
per second) it is in Discoverable mode. This is the state that allows it
to be detected by the mobile device. To place the keyboard into
Discoverable mode, press the Discoverable button.
¾ When keyboard status light flashes a slow green light (approx. once
every four seconds) it is connected to the mobile device and is
available for use.
¾ When the keyboard status light is solid red for 5 seconds after power
on, the batteries must be replaced before the keyboard can resume
normal operation.
¾ When the keyboard is not connected to the mobile device the status
light is dark. This happens when a connection or reconnection has not
been established or the connection has been broken.
Stowaway Sierra Owner’s Manual for Windows Mobile
Page 19