Managing Documents
12. Click Finish. The document is displayed in the right pane and listed under Documents in the left pane.
Importing Load Files
To import a load file, complete these steps:
1. Click the New arrow on the Main Menu toolbar and choose Document (from File) from the menu. The Data
Import Wizard–Document Files dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Load File to display the Open dialog box.
3. Select your document and click Open. The Data Import Wizard–Document Files dialog box is redisplayed.
4. Click Next. The Data Import Wizard–Load Files: Select the Load File Field Delimiter dialog box is displayed.
5. Select the file type for the load file from the File Type drop-down list. The field delimiter, row delimiter, and
text qualifier are automatically entered for you. The First row contains field names check box is selected, if
Note: If your load file is not listed in the File Type drop-down list, select Custom from the list. Then
select the appropriate field delimiter, row delimiter, and text qualifier from the drop-down lists.