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Ⅲ Lemon Juice: Helps Dough Rise
The addition of lemon juice, fresh or bottled, helps improve the overall structure of your loaf. Only you,
the baker, will know it is there! You may omit the lemon juice from our recipes, however, it may result
in a slightly shorter loaf.
Ⅲ Cinnamon And Garlic: Not True Friends Of Yeast
Previously, cinnamon and sugar were sprinkled on dough before it was rolled up jelly roll fashion.
Adding it to the dough in a bread machine, however, presents a problem. Cinnamon reacts with bread
dough just as a meat tenderizer reacts with meat. It breaks down the structure. Although it smells
wonderful as it is baking, the flavor is dissipated in the baking process. DO NOT ADD MORE THAN
G a rlic inhibits yeast activity. DO NOT ADD MORE garlic than listed in the recipe. For more garl i c
f l avo r, use a spread for the bread rather than adding it to the dough.
Ⅲ Salt: Regulates Yeast Activity
Salt is necessary to control the activity of yeast, disciplining it to work slowly and steadily. Without salt,
yeast acts too rapidly. Salt also strengthens the structure of the dough. If too little or no salt is used,
the bread will rise rapidly and then fall.The texture will also be coarse and uneven.
Ⅲ Sugar: Food For Yeast
Sugar is the favorite food of yeast, but too much sugar will cause the yeast to over react.The loaf of
bread will be small and dense. Dried fruits also contribute sugar to the bread dough. Do not add more
than specified in the recipe. Artificial sweeteners may not be used because the yeast cannot react
with them.
Ⅲ Substitutes
In our test kitchen, we experimented with several ingredient substitutions.We have found the following
substitutions to be acceptable, but we caution that your results may vary significantly from ours.
C o f fee creamer, non-dairy creamer or dry bu t t e rmilk may be substituted for dry milk in equal
p r o p o rt i o n s. Liquid milk (80°F/27°C) may be substituted for water in equal proportions. The dry milk
may then be eliminated altogether. The loaf will be slightly smaller.
Vinegar may be substituted for lemon juice in equal proportions.
Honey may be substituted for sugar in equal proportions; reduce the liquid by the same amount.
Brown sugar may be substituted for white sugar in equal proportions.
Yeast NEEDS sugar, NO artificial sweetener should be used.