Broil Chart
Always use bake/broil pan with wire rack. Place meat on top of rack. For
meat 1 inch thick or less, place broil pan and wire rack assembly in oven
position #3. For thicker meat, place broil pan and wire rack assembly in
oven position #2. Broil food according to recommended time or until
desired doneness, turning halfway through cooking time.
bacon to fit tray 8-10 minutes broil until done
chicken to fit tray 20-40 minutes broil until done
frankfurters to fit tray 10-20 minutes turn frequently for
even browning
fish fillet, to fit tray 5-9 minutes broil until done
1/2 inch thick
hamburgers to fit tray 10-20 minutes minimum time for
(4 oz each) medium until
center is no longer
pork chops, to fit tray 20-40 minutes broil until done
1 inch thick
sausage, fresh to fit tray 20-30 minutes if sausage links:
pierce skin with
fork, turn frequently
1 inch thick to fit tray 15-25 minutes minimum time for
Toaster Oven Broiler Use and Care Guide
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