6 Introduction
1.3 What is common interface?
Some broadcasts are scrambled so that only
paid subscribers can enjoy them. Scrambled ser-
vices can only be viewed with a Conditional Ac-
cess Module (CAM) and a subscription card be-
longing with the scrambling system.
Common Interface (CI) is an interface for condi-
tional access modules. The front of the digital
receiver has two common interface slots.
To watch a pay service, you should take the following steps:
1. Purchase a conditional access module and a subscrip-
tion card for the pay service you want to watch.
2. Insert the subscription card into the conditional access
3. Insert the conditional access module into the common
interface slot on the front of the digital receiver.
To view the information about
the module and subscription
card inserted into the digital re-
ceiver, select the Common Inter-
face menu.