Procedure for Defective Product Screening and Disposition
User must contact TIC via e-mail upsservice@tic.Toshiba.com, or phone 1-877-867-
8773 (outside the U.S. call 713-466-0277) to report a defect in a UPS, UPS part,
and/or BATTERY. Subject to the limitations of TIC policy and product type, TIC
service, or TIC service representative shall repair/replace the UPS/part warranted
hereunder, without charge for material or labor. If TIC determines that the requested
repair is not covered under this limited warranty policy, TIC shall advise customer
and quote cost of repair. Repair charges shall be based on service parts price and
prevailing service charges at the time of repair. In no event after the expiration of
the respective warranty period will warranty work be performed.
In the event of a defective BATTERY claim (stand-alone and/or cabinet) TIC will use
its published Battery Diagnostic Document to evaluate warranty applicability. TIC
will confirm that the storage, maintenance, installation, and operating conditions
were met. The BATTERY capacity will be tested in accordance with the
“performance test” guidelines IEEE STD 450. Should the BATTERY fail to deliver
70% of its rated capacity it shall be deemed defective and will be replaced. Either
float or cyclic service will be used to determine the warranty credit (as per published
Battery Diagnostic Document). The typical credit applied will be as listed in the
following table.
Credit for Replacement Battery When Approved Warranty
Time from Shipment UPS Batteries Cost to Customer
(months) % Credit % List Price
0-24 100 0
25-30 55 45
31-36 45 55
37-42 35 65
43-48 25 75
49-54 15 85
55-60 5 95