Analog I/O Modules (AD268 / DA264 / TC218)
6. Parameters
PART 1 AD268
Command register:
This register is used to issue the following commands to the AD268. To issue the command,
write the command value by using WRITE instruction.
Value Command Description
0 - Write 0 after the command processing is completed.
1 Parameter set
When this command is issued, the parameters written into
the buffer memory are saved in the AD268 ’s EEPROM, and
the parameters become effective.
2 Reset command
Used to reset the AD268 when some error has occurred.
However if the error is caused by hardware or external
condition, the reset command may not be effective.
The command register and the response register are used for hand-shaking. Refer to section
6.2 for the parameter setting procedure.
Response register:
This register shows the AD268’s response for the command issued. Check the status of this
register using READ instruction.
Value Response Description
0 - The requested command is not yet completed.
1 Acknowledge
When the issued command is completed, the response
register comes 1.
The command register and the response register are used for hand-shaking. Refer to section
6.2 for the parameter setting procedure.
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