
2. SYSTEM MODE EO13-33002
(Revision Date: Mar. 26, 2009)
2.1 Self-diagnostic Test
2- 10
Item # Description Specification
BASIC (61) BASIC interpreter setting ON: Available
OFF: Unavailable
BASIC TRACE (62) BASIC interpreter trace setting ON: Available
OFF: Unavailable
DHCP (63) DHCP function setting ON: Available
OFF: Unavailable
DHCP ID (64) DHCP ID setting Max. 16 characters
DHCP HOST NAME (65) DHCP host name Max. 16 characters
RTC BATT. CHK (66) RTC Low Battery Check setting ON: Available
OFF: Unavailable
RTC RENEWAL (67) RTC data renewal timing BATCH: per batch
PAGE: per page
RFID MODULE (68) RFID module type NONE: No RFID kit is installed.
U2: U2 B-SX708-RFID-U2-EU-R,
RFID TAG TYPE (69) RFID tag type NONE: 11
EPC C1 Gen2: 24
RFID ERR CHECK (70) RFID error tag detection ON: An error tag detection is performed.
OFF: An error tag detection is not
RFID RETRY (71) Maximum number of RFID issue retries 0 to 255
Maximum number of RFID read retries
RFID read retry time-out
0 to 255
0 sec. to 9.9 sec.
Maximum number of RFID write retries
RFID write retry time-out
0 to 255
0 sec. to 9.9 sec.
RFID ADJ RETRY (74) RFID adjustment for retry -99 mm to +99 mm
RFID POWER LEV (75) RFID wireless power level setting 9 to 18
RFID AGC THR. (76) RFID AGC Threshold Setting 0 to 15
RFID Q VAL (77) RFID Q VAL (Q value) 0 to 5
RFID WT AGC (78) RFID WT AGC (AGC threshold for data write) 0 to 15
RFID WT AGC MIN (79) RFID WT MIN AGC (AGC threshold lower limit for retry) 0 to 15