The Grand Tour
The Main Screen
Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 7
Screen Docked Views
Net Phone provides a screen-docking feature (in Ver. 4.7 and after) where the Net
Phone can dock to the top or bottom of your PC screen. When screen docked the Net
Phone takes on a very low profile using only a small portion of the screen, and stays
accessible even when other applications are maximized. This allows user’s to access
the features of Net Phone while consuming a minimal amount of PC screen space.
Two screen-docked profiles are available, slim and regular, as shown below:
Slim Screen-docked profile
Regular Screen-docked profile
Most of the phone display, buttons, and controls that appear on each screen-docking
profile can be chosen by the user from the “Docking Tab” on page 16 in Net Phone
Net Phone Main Menu
To reach Net Phones Main Menu, click on the icon in the upper left-hand corner. The
Main Menu opens as shown below: