Net Phone Software Enhancement History
8 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
• Added dynamic key re-sizing for Quick Response keys on the bottom of the
Chat window.
• Added a Whiteboard capability within Chat to allow the sharing of the screen
with another user within the Chat domain.
• Share screen with other user and display files on other persons PC.
• Pen colors and sizes for drawing on the screen.
• Short-cut keys for quick changes to pen size or color.
• Debug/Troubleshooting Tools – A Ziplog Utility has been added to Net Phone for
making debug and troubleshooting of problems much easier. Also the control for
turning on the Advanced menu option to get to the Event and Calls Windows has
now been enabled via the Preferences settings. The user can now go to Setup >
Preferences >Advanced Tab to zip and send all pertinent files to for detailed
• Improved Skins Designer – The Skins Designer now provides a within the screen
set of controls with sliders for adjusting the color selections when designing or
making new skins. These sliders provide instant feedback to the effects of the
changes while designing or changing a skin.
• Application Integration Enhancements – The interfaces for working with 3rd
party applications have been expanded in a couple of areas to provide more
opportunities for customizing the interface to meet your application. The additions
provided in this release include:
• Add to COM Interface “GetInfo( )” a “DATAPATH” to complement “EXEPATH”.
• Add to COM Interface “GetInfo( ) an “ACTSLIST” to support user-defined
actions on external buttons.
• Two new DDE commands added to support other 3rd party applications wanting to
send calendar status and reminder commands:
• CALSTATUS,<BusyStatus>,<Start>,<End>,<|Subject|>,<Importance>,<|Locatio
n|>, <RemindBefore> where: <BusyStatus> =0 (Free), =2 (Busy), =3 (Out of
Office) and <Importance> =0 (Low), =1 (Normal), =2 (High).
<RemindBefore> where: <BusyStatus> =0 (Free), =2 (Busy), =3 (Out of
Office) and <Importance> =0 (Low), =1 (Normal), =2 (High).