This should be a valid net mask for the local network, e.g.
The Network Administrator should be able to tell you what this should be, or you could try running
IPCONFIG.EXE on a LAN PC to see what it is set to on the PC – it may be the same for the Toshiba
The local network's gateway IP address, or you could try running IPCONFIG.EXE on a LAN PC to see
what it is set to on the PC – it may be the same for the Toshiba MFP.
The Network Administrator should be able to tell you what this should be. HOST NAME = “Domain Name” setting defined for device driver
Used to be used by the IFAX NIC to validate the source of fax transmission jobs received via the NIC
and therefore had to match the "Domain name" defined in ImageVision2000/SmartLink2000 for the
device. However, latest firmware doesn't check the domain used to submit a fax transmission job
against this HOST NAME and instead only accepts new fax transmission jobs from the PC with IP
matching that defined for the MFP’s LAN FAX SERVER ADDRESS.
For safety and simplicity it is probably best though to still set the Toshiba MFP’s HOST NAME" and
device driver’s "Domain name" values to the same settings. e.g. "wordcraft.com".
After changing any settings in the INITIAL SETUP, NETWORK, TCP/IP section press “Cancel” to
return to the INITIAL SETUP, NETWORK section and select “01 COMPLETE” or “01 DONE” to save
the changes.
• If you change the HOST NAME setting on the MFP via the Device Settings function in either
Network Viewer, ImageVision2000 or SmartLink2000 then the “Domain Name” setting
associated with the device driver is automatically updated to match.
You must define a valid email address, even if only using the Toshiba MFP to send fax messages from
• If you do not define a valid email address for this setting then the Toshiba MFP will not send a
Message Disposition Notification [MDN] to ImageVision2000/SmartLink2000 when a fax
transmission submitted by ImageVision2000/SmartLink2000 completes whether successfully
or unsuccessfully.
This means that ImageVision2000/Smartlink2000 will show the fax transmission “In
Progress” for 30 minutes while it waits for the MDN after which it will fail the attempt back to
the Scheduler. If the job is then retried still without a valid email address being defined on the
Toshiba MFP the sequence will repeat. ERROR MAIL FW ADDRESS
The email address to which error messages should forwarded when appropriate. RECEIVE MODE = SMTP
To use the Toshiba MFP to send messages to fax numbers from ImageVision2000/SmartLink2000
“SMTP” must be selected for this setting SMTP SERVER ADDRESS
Enter the IP address of the SMTP mail server to be used by the Toshiba MFP to send emails.