Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Recall a Check
FS-3700 Owner’s Manual 3-29
3.7.4 Recall Table with Separate Checks
1. Use either the number pad or the list of checks to recall the
2. List of separate check numbers display.
3. Touch the button of the check wanted.
3.7.5 Recall With a Bar Code Scanner
If the workstation is connected to a bar code scanner and bar codes
are being printed on the guest checks, scan the guest check.
3.7.6 Recall with Dual Drive Thru
A Dual-Drive Thru application uses two options:
The MONITOR STATION field in the Station Setup Table
enables a workstation’s orders of a certain Order Type to be
recalled at another specific station.
• Example: Drive Thru Order Taker #1 can forward orders to
Drive-Thru Cashier #1. Drive Thru Order Taker #2 can
forward orders to Drive Thru Cashier #2.
The {RECALL~OT#} key type which is used to recall checks of a
specific order type.
1. Order is entered at Drive Thru Order Taker Station.
2. Cashier at Drive Thru Cashier Station presses {RECALL~OT}
key programmed for an Order Type named DRIVE THRU.
3. Orders display on Drive Thru Cashier Station in the order they
were entered. First order is in upper left corner of window.