M-2299 Application Guide
3.1 Features
Neutral Light Circuit
The M-2299 is prepared for use with regulators
which use a neutral light. Toshiba products require
that the Neutral Light terminal TB1-11 (BT-5) be
grounded when the light is to be illuminated.
Auto Disable Input
To disable automatic operation of the M-2299,
remove the jumper between TB2-18 and TB2-19 on
the printed circuit board. If SCADA is used to
enable and disable this function, a contact rated at
6 A minimum can be connected between the
Local/Remote Input
Removing the jumper between TB2-16 and TB2-17
prohibits operation by disabling the M-2001
Tapchanger Control’s automatic raise and lower
outputs and also by disabling the M-2299 Adapter
Panel’s manual RAISE/OFF/LOWER toggle switch.
Removing this jumper does
disable the SCADA-
supplied motor voltage input to the manual raise/
manual lower contacts on the adapter panel.
Table 1 Multi-Step Voltage Reduction External Connections
Multi-Step Voltage Reduction
On the M-2299, TB1-2 and TB1-7 on the printed
circuit board are used together to provide up to
three levels of voltage reduction. The external
connections to achieve these steps are shown in
Table 1, below, and Figure 5, M-2001 and M-2299
Typical Connections. (Voltage reduction amounts
are set within the M-2001 Tapchanger Control
▲ CAUTION: Voltage applied through dry contacts
to actuate Voltage Reduction Steps 1, 2, and 3
be +12 V dc obtained from pin TB2-27 of the M-2299
adapter panel.
Operations Counter Input
An operations count is registered by momentarily
grounding TB1-13 through an external dry contact
from the load tapchanger. The input is level-sensitive.
Make sure that any “wetting” voltages are removed
from the counter contacts before installing the
M-2299 Adapter Panel/M-2001 Tapchanger Control.
▲ CAUTION: Do not apply either +12 V dc or 120 V
ac to this terminal.