
Copyright ©2000 Toshiba corporation. All rights reserved.
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WORD 54: Number of current cylinders defined by INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS command
WORD 55: Number of current heads defined by INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS command
WORD 56: Number of current sectors/track defined by INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS command
WORD 57-58: Total number of sectors calculated by word 54 - 56
bit31-24 by word 58 bit 7- 0
bit23-16 by word 58 bit 15- 8
bit15- 8 by word 57 bit 7- 0
bit 7- 0 by word 57 bit 15- 8
The power on values for each models are.
Drive Type [*4] : Word 57 - 58
WORD 59:
bit15- 9 Reserved
bit 8 1=bit 7- 0 shows number of sectors for multiple sector operation (multiple sector operation is
enabled by SET MULTIPLE command).
bit 7 0 The number of sectors transferred for XX
=Write / Read multiple command with 1 Interrupt
( Current value shall be set by SET MULTIPLE command. The default value is 16 ).
The default value for this WORD is 0110h.
WORD 60-61: Maximum number of sectors that user can access in LBA mode
bit31-24 by word 61 bit 7- 0
bit23-16 by word 61 bit 15- 8
bit15- 8 by word 60 bit 7- 0
bit 7- 0 by word 60 bit 15- 8
The power on values for each models are.
Drive Type [*5] : Word 60 – 61