When Command “s” (lowercase letter) is received, the slave side judges that the master side is
tripped and operates in accordance with the inter-drive communication parameter (,
For detail, see "7. Communication parameters ".
- Examples: 50% frequency command (2-wire RS485 communication)
(If maximum frequency = Frequency for operation at 80Hz = 40Hz: 50% = 5000d = 1388H)
<Binary mode>
Master inverter → Slave inverter Slave inverter
→ Master inverter
2F 53 FA 01 13 88 18 No return
X(58H)/Y (59H) (Block Communication Command)
Data selected in the block communication write parameters (,) is written in the
RAM. When returning data, data selected in block communication read parameters ( to
) is read and is returned.
For detail, see "4.1.3. Transmission format of Block Communication ".
- Examples: 60Hz operation command from communication and monitoring (Monitoring when al-
ready operating at 60Hz)
(Parameter Setting:
= , = , = , = , = , =
, =
<Binary mode>
Computer → Inverter Inverter
→ Computer
2F 58 02 05 C4 00 17 70 D9 2F 59 05 00 64 00 17 70 1A 8A 24 FD 00 00 3D