Tracer MP580/581 models
Several models of Tracer MP580/581
controllers are available. Tracer MP581
models are illustrated in Figure 1.
Tracer MP580 on Trane air handlers
The Tracer MP580 controller is available
packaged with the following air handlers:
• M-Series Climate Changer air handlers
• T-Series Climate Changer air handlers
• AireSystems custom air handlers
The controller is factory wired to all
sensors, actuators, valves, starters, and
other items shipped with the air handler.
Factory testing of connected points
helps minimize field commissioning
time and expense.
Frame-mounted Tracer MP581
The frame-mounted Tracer MP581
consists of a circuit board and a
termination board mounted in a two-
piece modular-frame assembly. This
modular design allows the circuit board
to be stored separately while installation
and wiring are completed. The frame-
mounted model can be installed in new
equipment or existing enclosures.
Tracer MP581 with NEMA-1 enclosure
The Tracer MP581 with enclosure
consists of the frame assembly
mounted in an enclosure compliant with
National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) type-1 standards. A
line-to-low voltage transformer is
included. The enclosure has a hinged
door and plenty of room for input and
output wiring. The assembly is UL-listed.
Operator display models
Operator-display touch screens are
available as options for all Tracer MP580/
581 controllers. The operator-display
models are illustrated in Figure 2 on
page 5.
Door-mounted operator display
The door-mounted operator display
works with any Tracer MP581 or Tracer
AH541 controller. A retrofit kit is
available to add an operator display to an
existing Tracer MP581. The retrofit kit
includes a complete enclosure door with
an operator display mounted in it. The
door-mounted operator display is not
available for factory-mounted Tracer
MP580 controllers.
Stand-alone operator display
The stand-alone operator display is
designed for permanent local
connection to a Tracer MP580/581 or
AH540/541 controller. The stand-alone
operator display includes a 7-day time
clock to provide scheduling for the
associated controller. The 10-foot
(3 meter) connector cable can be
extended up to 150 feet (46 meters).
Portable operator display
The portable operator display is
designed for temporary connection to a
Tracer MP580/581 or AH540/541
controller. The operator-display touch
screen is mounted in a resin enclosure,
which is placed in a padded, protective
carrying case. A 10-foot (3 meter)
connector cable is included.
Expansion module
You can use up to four EX2 expansion
modules to add extra points to a Tracer
MP580/581 controller. The expansion
modules communicate with the
controller on an IEEE-485 I/O bus up to
1000 ft (300 m) from the controller. The
EX2 expansion module is available in
two models:
• EX2 module in a metal enclosure
• EX2 module with a plastic cover
The EX2 models are illustrated in
Figure 3 on page 5.
Table 1 lists the points available on
Tracer MP580/581 controllers and the
expansion modules. Refer to
“Specifications” on page 14 for details
about each type of point.
Figure 1. Tracer MP581 models
Table 1. Total points available
Type of
(up to 4)
12 6 36
Static pres-
sure input
Tracer MP581
Tracer MP581 with
optional operator display
Tracer MP581 without
operator display
Product models and