UNT-IOM-6 107
Terminal Unit
Control (TUC)
Table 43. TUC Controller Diagnostics
Diagnostic Latching? Fan Valves Elect. Heat Damper
Dirty filter Yes No Action No Action No Action No Action
Condensate Yes Off Closed Off Closed
Supply fan Yes Off Closed Off Closed
failure (if
configured as
alarm = yes)
Supply fan Yes No Action No Action No Action No Action
failure (if
configured as
alarm = no)
Low coil Yes Off Open Off Closed
entering air
1. Use a normally open hot water valve with the low coil entering air temperature sensor.
2. Use a normally closed chilled water valve with the condensate overflow sensor.
There are five ways in which diagnostics are reset:
1. Using the zone sensor
2. Using Everyware, Tranes TUC service tool
3. By cycling power to the TUC
4. Through Tracer 100iä or 100Lä
5. Through Tracer Summit
Using the zone sensors fan mode switch to reset diagnostics, slide
the fan mode switch to the off position. Then return the switch back to
any position except off.
Connect to the communications terminal with a laptop computer
loaded with Everywareä software. Log on and reset the diagnostics
from the diagnostic page of the TUC configuration screens. To view
the diagnostics prior to resetting, press the ENTER key while in the
status section of the service summary screens.
Using the Zone Sensor