SSP-PRC001-EN 57
One inch, throw-away filters shall be
standard on TWE060A, TWE090A,
TWE060B, TWE090B and TWE120B
model air handlers. Filters shall be ac-
cessible from the side coil access pan-
el. Filter rack can be field converted to
two inch capability. Two inch, throw-
away filters shall be standard on
TWE180B and TWE240B models.
Electric Heaters — UL and CSA ap-
proved electric heat modules shall be
available for installation directly on
fan discharge. Electric Heaters shall be
available in a wide range of capacities
with one or two stage control, single-
point electric power connection and
terminal strip connections. Electric
heater elements shall be constructed
of heavy-duty nickel chromium ele-
ments internally wye connected on
480/600 volt, three phase and delta
connected on 208/240 volt, three
phase. Each 208/240 volt heater shall
have pilot duty with secondary backup
fuse links for automatic reset of high
limit controls. Each 480/600 volt heater
shall have automatic line break high
limit controls.
Discharge Plenums and Grilles —
Accessory discharge plenums shall be
available for vertical, free discharge
applications. Plenums shall be con-
structed of heavy-gauge, zinc coated
galvanized steel finished with baked
enamel to match the air handler unit.
Grilles shall be satin finished alumi-
num and have four-way adjustable
Return Air Grilles — Accessory re-
turn air grille shall be provided for ver-
tical front, free return applications.
Grilles shall be installed in place of the
front lower side panel. Grille shall be
satin finished aluminum with non-ad-
justable louvers.
Mounting Subbase — Available for
vertical floor mount configurations.
Subbase shall be constructed of heavy
gauge, zinc coated galvanized steel
with baked enamel finish to match air
handler unit. Subbase is required in
the vertical air flow application for
condensate drain trapping and when
isolators are required.
Vibration Isolators — Shall reduce
transmission of noise and vibration to
building structures, equipment and
adjacent spaces. Packages shall be
available in either neoprene-in shear
or spring-flex types in floor or sus-
pended mountings.
Oversized Motors — Field installed
oversized motors shall be available for
high static pressure applications.
Control Options
Standard Indoor Thermostats —
Two stage heating and cooling opera-
tion or one stage heating and cooling
thermostats shall be available in either
manual or automatic changeover.
Programmable Electronic Night
Setback Thermostat — Shall pro-
vide heating setback and cooling set-
up with 7-day programming
Outdoor Thermostat — Shall pro-
vide staging control of electric heaters
based on a set outdoor temperature.