TRG-TRC005-EN 51
access port A device that allows a technician to gain access to the
refrigeration system for charging or measurement.
air-cooled condenser A type of condenser where refrigerant flows through the
tubes and rejects heat to air that is drawn across the tubes.
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
capillary tube A type of expansion device that uses a long, narrow tube to
reduce the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant.
centrifugal fan air-cooled condenser A type of air-cooled condenser that uses
a centrifugal fan instead of a propeller fan, allowing it to overcome the larger
static pressures associated with ductwork.
compressor The mechanical device in the refrigeration system used to
increase the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant vapor.
condenser The component of the refrigeration system where refrigerant
vapor is converted to liquid as it rejects heat to water or air.
cooling tower A device used to reject the heat from a water-cooled condenser
by spraying the condensing water over the fill while drawing outdoor air
upward through the fill.
distributor A device used to ensure uniform refrigerant distribution through
the multiple-coil circuits of a finned-tube evaporator.
electronic expansion valve A type of expansion device that uses an
electronically-actuated valve to sense and control the flow rate of liquid
refrigerant to the evaporator.
enthalpy The property of a refrigerant indicating its heat content, both
sensible and latent, per pound [kg] of refrigerant.
evaporative condenser A type of condenser where refrigerant flows through
the tubes and rejects heat to air. The air is drawn across the tubes, which are
wetted on the outside by circulating water.
evaporator The component of the refrigeration system where cool liquid
refrigerant absorbs heat from air, water, or some other fluid, causing the
refrigerant to boil.
expansion device The component of the refrigeration system used to reduce
the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant.
expansion valve The type of expansion device that maintains the pressure
difference between the high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the system. It
also maintains the proper amount of superheat in the system by metering the
quantity of liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator, ensuring that the
refrigerant will be completely vaporized within the evaporator