TRG-TRC013-EN 35
period two
Fan Types
Vaneaxial Fans
In an axial fan, the airflow passes straight through the fan, parallel to the shaft.
There are three common axial fan types: propeller, tubeaxial, and vaneaxial.
Propeller fans are well suited for high volumes of air, but have little or no
static-pressure generating capability.
Tubeaxial and vaneaxial fans are simply propeller fans mounted in a cylinder.
They are similar except for the vane-type straighteners used in the vaneaxial
design. Since a propeller fan inherently produces a spiral air stream, these
vanes are installed at the leaving side of the fan to remove much of the swirl
from the air and straighten the airflow path. These vanes improve efficiency,
and reduce turbulence and the resulting sound generated in the downstream
ductwork. Because a vaneaxial fan is more efficient than a tubeaxial fan, it can
handle larger volumes of air at higher pressures.
Vaneaxial Fan
straightening vanes
straightening vanes
fan wheel or impeller
fan wheel or impeller
Figure 53