Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these radio and
power system terms. They will be used throughout this manual.
BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) - The BEC can either be in the
receiver or in the ESC. This circuit allows the receiver and servos
to be powered by the main battery pack in an electric model. This
eliminates the need to carry a separate pack of 4 AA batteries to
power the radio equipment.
Brushless Motor - A D/C brushless motor replaces the brushed
motor’s traditional commutator and brush arrangement with
intelligent electronics that energize the electromagnetic
windings in sequence to provide rotation. Opposite of a brushed
motor, the brushless motor has its windings (coils) on the
perimeter of the motor can and the magnets are mounted to the
spinning rotor shaft.
Channel - The 27 MHz frequency band is divided into 6 channels
so that up to six models can be operated simultaneously. Each
channel is referred to by its ag color and channel number, as
shown below.
Clearing your frequency - A routine, verbal check to make sure
nobody else in your area is operating on the same channel.
Always clear your frequency by calling out your channel number
before operating your model. Wait or move to another area if
your channel is already being used.
Cogging - Cogging is a condition sometimes associated with
brushless motors. Typically it is a slight stutter noticed when
accelerating from a stop. It happens for a very short period as the
signals from the electronic speed control and the motor synch
with each other. The VXL-3s electronic speed control is optimized
to virtually eliminate cogging.
Crystal (X-tal) - The plug-in device that determines which channel
the radio system will operate on. For each channel, there are two
crystals, one for the receiver and one for the transmitter. Of those
two crystals, the one marked with the lower number (.455 MHz
lower) must be inserted into the receiver.
Current - Current is a measure of power ow through the
electronics, usually measured in amps. If you look at wire like a
garden hose, current is a measure of how much water is owing
through the hose.
ESC (Electronic Speed Control) - An electronic speed control is the
electronic motor control inside the model. The VXL-3s electronic
speed control uses advanced circuitry to provide precise, digital
proportional throttle control. Electronic speed controls use
power more efciently than mechanical speed controls so that
the batteries run longer. An electronic speed control also has
circuitry that prevents loss of steering and throttle control as the
batteries lose their charge.
Frequency band - The radio frequency used by the transmitter to
send signals to your model. All Traxxas RTR models operate on a
27 MHz frequency band.
kV Rating - Brushless motors are often rated by their kV number.
The kV rating equals no-load motor rpm with 1 volt applied. The
kV increases as the number of wire turns in the motor decreases.
As the kV increases, the current draw through the electronics also
increases. The Velineon 3500 motor is a 10-turn, 3500 kV motor
optimized for the best speed and efciency in lightweight 1/10
scale models.
LiPo - Abbreviation for Lithium Polymer. Rechargeable LiPo battery
packs are known for their special chemistry that allows extremely
high energy density and current handling in a compact size.
These are high performance batteries that require special care
and handling. For advanced users only.
mAh – Abbreviation for milliamp hour. A measure of the capacity of
the battery pack. The higher the number, the longer the battery
will last between recharges.
Neutral position - The standing position that the servos seek when
the transmitter controls are at the neutral setting.
Part No.
1 26.995 Brown 2031
2 27.045 Red 2032
3 27.095 Orange 2033
4 27.145 Yellow 2034
5 27.195 Green 2035
6 27.255 Blue 2036
Applying the Decals
The main decals for your
model have been applied at
the factory. The decals are
printed on self-adhesive clear
mylar and are die-cut for easy
removal. Use a hobby knife to
lift the corner of a decal and
lift it from the backing.
To apply the decals, place
one end down, hold the
other end up, and gradually
smooth the decal down with
your nger as you go. This
will prevent air bubbles.
Placing both ends of the
decal down and then trying
to smooth it out will result
in air pockets. Look at the
photos on the box for typical
decal placement.