Controls & Features
Deck Height
Deck Lift
RH Drive
Control Lever
LH Drive
Control Lever
Hour Meter/
Indicator Panel
Fuel Tank Cap
Ignition Switch
PTO Switch
Cup Holder
Storage Tray
Fuel Level Window
RH Transmission Bypass Rod
LH Transmission Bypass Rod
features may vary by model. Not all features in this manual are
applicable to all tractor models and the tractor depicted may
differ from yours.
position on the tractor when facing forward while seated in the
RH and LH Drive Control Levers
The RH and LH control levers are located on each side of the
space to permit the operator to either sit in the tractor seat, or to
dismount the tractor. The levers must be fully opened out and in
the neutral position to start the tractor engine. When the levers
are fully outward, the parking brake is also engaged.
Each lever controls the respective RH or LH transmission.
Consequently, these levers control all of the movements of the
tractor. Driving and steering utilizing these control levers is
quite different from conventional tractors, and will take some
the control levers.
Deck Height Index
The deck height index consists of eight
index notches located on the front/right
of the console. Each notch corresponds to
a ⁄ change in the deck height position
⁄ at the lowest notch to
Deck Lift Handle
The deck lift handle is located on the front/
right of the console, and is used to raise and
lower the mower deck.
Pull the handle to the left out of the index
notch and push downward to lower the
deck, or pull upward to raise the deck. When
the desired height is attained, move the lift
handle to the right until fully in the index notch.