GPS Review Location Mode
If you have programmed data for a Point of Interest, Dangerous Crossing, and a
Dangerous Road, you can review each set on a screen dedicated to showing just
that data.
Press [E
YES] in GPS Mode.
The most recent stored location is displayed. Use the Scroll Control to display the
next screen for review.
Important: While you are in normal GPS mode or Scan Mode and you press and
hold [GPS] for 2 seconds, location data at that point is stored. The scanner opens
a dialog to store your current location. The default name is T YYMMDD hhmmss
that indicates the date and time you stored the location point.
The data is put into memory and you can designate the location as POI,
Dangerous Xing, or Dangerous Road.
However, if you are in Review Mode and press and hold [GPS], the data of the
new point will overwrite the currently displayed data.
The following keys also have a different function while in GPS Review Mode.
[GPS] — Press and Hold: overwrites and stores current location data
[MENU] — returns to GPS Mode.
[L/O] — changes the status of the currently displayed location data.
[L/O] — press and hold to unlock all locations
of the current
type (POI, DXG, or DRG)
Unlocked All TTTs? and Yes=”E” / No=”.” is displayed. TTT shows the
location type as POI, DXG or DRD.
[L/O] — press and hold in Function Mode unlocks all locations of all
Unlocked All Location? and Yes=”E” / No=”.” is displayed.
[.No] — returns to GPS Mode.
YES] — lets you edit a location details
[SCAN/SEARCH] — enter scan mode.
[HOLD/RESUME] — enter Scan Hold mode
F — enter Function Mode.